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Jusqu'au 1er oct 2014 - Appel à candidatures - Résidences à Vienne, projet européen

Appel à candidature pour des résidences d'artiste au sein du projet « Notes on the beginning of the short 20th century. Recent European art on World War I »
Au sein du MuseumsQuartier de Vienne, les Ateliers quartier21 ouvrent plusieurs de leurs ateliers-studios sous la forme de Résidences d’un mois, ouvertes à des artistes plasticiens, français ou étrangers, dans le cadre du projet itinérant « Notes on the beginning of the short 20th century. Recent European art on World War I » qui explore la première guerre mondiale dans une perspective contemporaine.
Modalités de la résidence:
Pendant son séjour de résidence l’artiste travail (recherche et/ou production) pour la production d’un œuvre exposé à Vienne (et peut-être aussi dans les lieux du projet : Strasbourg, Kaliningrad, Dresde). L’artiste pourra aussi utiliser la résidence pour des projets éphémères intégrés dans la présentation à Vienne d’avril à juillet 2015 (performance, interventions dans l’espace public, rencontres avec le public viennois)
Appartements-Résidences disponibles:
2 appartements /ateliers en janvier 2015 (phase préparatoire)
2 appartements /ateliers en février 2015 (phase préparatoire)
2 appartements /ateliers en mars 2015 (phase préparatoire)
3 appartements /ateliers en avril 2015 (phase préparatoire)
3 appartements /ateliers en mai 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en juin 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en juillet 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en aout 2015 (phase d’exposition)
L’artiste touchera une bourse de 1050 Euros.
Les appartement/ateliers sont gratuits. Les frais de transport de l’artiste ne sont pas remboursés. Des frais de production peuvent être négociés avec les commissaires.
Lieu de la résidence ;
MuseumsQuartier Wien E+B GesmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Les lieux d’exposition et partenaires du projet, dates prévisionnelles:
- Motorenhalle, Dresden DE, October 15 (ouverture)-December 20, 2014 (Part I)
- MuseumsQuartier, freiraum, Vienna, A, March 5-May 31, 2015
- Emil Fila Gallery/University Jana Evangelisty Purkyne Ústí nad Labem, CZ, Oct. 17-Nov. 29 2015
- Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg FR May-July 2016
- National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) - Kaliningrad Branch, RUS, Sept.-November 2016
- Motorenhalle, Dresden DE, October 2017 – (Part II with catalogue)
Commissariat: Andrea Domesle, Frank Eckhardt, Elisabeth Hajek, Eva Mrazikova, Jean-François Mugnier
La liste des artistes et des œuvres exposées dans chaque exposition pourra varier d’une étape à l’autre.
Pour candidater, vous devez nous faire parvenir par email ou transfert de fichiers
- une esquisse de votre projet/œuvre/recherche que vous souhaiteriez développer dans le cadre de « Notes on the beginning of the short 20th century. Recent European art on World War I »,
- un dossier artistique de votre travail
- un CV ou une biographie
- Numéro de MDA et de SIRET
- vos dates de résidence souhaitées
le 1er octobre 2014
A l’attention de :
Jean-François Mugnier, Coordinateur
Syndicat Potentiel Strasbourg
13 rue des couples 67000 Strasbourg
Tel. 03 88 37 08 72 / 06 63 15 11 82
Texte présentant le projet « Notes towards the beginning of the short century »
Riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden
Adlergasse 1401067 Dresden
www.riesa-efau.de www.motorenhalle.de
Notes towards the beginning of the short century
Exhibition and Events
This year, since the 100th anniversary of its outbreak is soon to occur, the beginning of the FirstWorld War will suddenly become a theme of contemporary media coverage again. But in the yearspreviously many artists had already been addressing the questions which the events of that timestill pose towards us today. The scientific-historical research had also not been coming to a halt,but has moreover led to at times much discussed new evaluations.
In the Motorenhalle (Motor Hall) we will also be realising a thematic programme comprising of anexhibition and other discursive formats, which are both based on topical, contemporary art works.The short century began with a hitherto inconceivable upheaval of the existing social relations. Inthe years preceding the outbreak of the First World War, the same war which had been yearned forby many intellectuals as a “cleansing storm“ or as a “bathing in steel“. And there were many artists,who were not inconsiderablys involved in creating this veritable addiction .
Of course there were also opposing intellectual positions. A pregnant example is that of RosaLuxemburg, but there were also artists who distanced themselves from the war too. The exhibition and the various event formats will move around between these two poles:contemporary reflection on the one hand by the artists upon the historical events of the First WorldWar, upon the ensuing collapse, of the suffering, the immediate after effects, on the other hand afocus on the utopias of the time, the future prospects, the ideas.
Implicitly the question is posed as to what time actually means? And what do these happenings,movements and thoughts, which took place around a hundred years ago, mean to us today? Whatis topical in them? What is it that demands us to form new opinions and simultaneously encouragenew contemporary artistic responses to the same? And how and where may the historical influencebe brought to bear in works of art? What intentions and pictorial politics stand behind the differingforms of addressing the past? Notes towards the beginning of the short century attempts torepresent the historical scars as they can be traced in the contemporary world, and to reflect uponour behaviour towards these.
What is the meaning which such reflections upon this war can have for us today, especially as thestill greater catastrophe of war was as yet still to follow, resulting predominantly from the first, andsubsequently leading in the time which followed to an ever great threat to civilisation, to the coldwar which threatened the very existence of mankind?
The exhibition is concerned with the past, in that it places our approach to it today in theforeground. Historical documents are prone to experiencing different interpretations dependentupon the social and temporal surroundings. The exponants in the exhibition show to what degreecontemporary art ist possible in the space between construction, the reference-itself and the after-image, thereby widening, correcting and even establishing new truths and contributing to findingnew or altered realities within history, or succeeding in formulating pictures of history not yet inconformity to society as a whole, as yet still acting inside the cultural memory.
Dr. Andrea Domesle
Frank Eckhardt
Translation: Christopher Haley Simpson
Au sein du MuseumsQuartier de Vienne, les Ateliers quartier21 ouvrent plusieurs de leurs ateliers-studios sous la forme de Résidences d’un mois, ouvertes à des artistes plasticiens, français ou étrangers, dans le cadre du projet itinérant « Notes on the beginning of the short 20th century. Recent European art on World War I » qui explore la première guerre mondiale dans une perspective contemporaine.
Modalités de la résidence:
Pendant son séjour de résidence l’artiste travail (recherche et/ou production) pour la production d’un œuvre exposé à Vienne (et peut-être aussi dans les lieux du projet : Strasbourg, Kaliningrad, Dresde). L’artiste pourra aussi utiliser la résidence pour des projets éphémères intégrés dans la présentation à Vienne d’avril à juillet 2015 (performance, interventions dans l’espace public, rencontres avec le public viennois)
Appartements-Résidences disponibles:
2 appartements /ateliers en janvier 2015 (phase préparatoire)
2 appartements /ateliers en février 2015 (phase préparatoire)
2 appartements /ateliers en mars 2015 (phase préparatoire)
3 appartements /ateliers en avril 2015 (phase préparatoire)
3 appartements /ateliers en mai 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en juin 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en juillet 2015 (phase d’exposition)
2 appartements /ateliers en aout 2015 (phase d’exposition)
L’artiste touchera une bourse de 1050 Euros.
Les appartement/ateliers sont gratuits. Les frais de transport de l’artiste ne sont pas remboursés. Des frais de production peuvent être négociés avec les commissaires.
Lieu de la résidence ;
MuseumsQuartier Wien E+B GesmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Les lieux d’exposition et partenaires du projet, dates prévisionnelles:
- Motorenhalle, Dresden DE, October 15 (ouverture)-December 20, 2014 (Part I)
- MuseumsQuartier, freiraum, Vienna, A, March 5-May 31, 2015
- Emil Fila Gallery/University Jana Evangelisty Purkyne Ústí nad Labem, CZ, Oct. 17-Nov. 29 2015
- Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg FR May-July 2016
- National Center For Contemporary Art (NCCA) - Kaliningrad Branch, RUS, Sept.-November 2016
- Motorenhalle, Dresden DE, October 2017 – (Part II with catalogue)
Commissariat: Andrea Domesle, Frank Eckhardt, Elisabeth Hajek, Eva Mrazikova, Jean-François Mugnier
La liste des artistes et des œuvres exposées dans chaque exposition pourra varier d’une étape à l’autre.
Pour candidater, vous devez nous faire parvenir par email ou transfert de fichiers
- une esquisse de votre projet/œuvre/recherche que vous souhaiteriez développer dans le cadre de « Notes on the beginning of the short 20th century. Recent European art on World War I »,
- un dossier artistique de votre travail
- un CV ou une biographie
- Numéro de MDA et de SIRET
- vos dates de résidence souhaitées
le 1er octobre 2014
A l’attention de :
Jean-François Mugnier, Coordinateur
Syndicat Potentiel Strasbourg
13 rue des couples 67000 Strasbourg
Tel. 03 88 37 08 72 / 06 63 15 11 82
Texte présentant le projet « Notes towards the beginning of the short century »
Riesa efau. Kultur Forum Dresden
Adlergasse 1401067 Dresden
www.riesa-efau.de www.motorenhalle.de
Notes towards the beginning of the short century
Exhibition and Events
This year, since the 100th anniversary of its outbreak is soon to occur, the beginning of the FirstWorld War will suddenly become a theme of contemporary media coverage again. But in the yearspreviously many artists had already been addressing the questions which the events of that timestill pose towards us today. The scientific-historical research had also not been coming to a halt,but has moreover led to at times much discussed new evaluations.
In the Motorenhalle (Motor Hall) we will also be realising a thematic programme comprising of anexhibition and other discursive formats, which are both based on topical, contemporary art works.The short century began with a hitherto inconceivable upheaval of the existing social relations. Inthe years preceding the outbreak of the First World War, the same war which had been yearned forby many intellectuals as a “cleansing storm“ or as a “bathing in steel“. And there were many artists,who were not inconsiderablys involved in creating this veritable addiction .
Of course there were also opposing intellectual positions. A pregnant example is that of RosaLuxemburg, but there were also artists who distanced themselves from the war too. The exhibition and the various event formats will move around between these two poles:contemporary reflection on the one hand by the artists upon the historical events of the First WorldWar, upon the ensuing collapse, of the suffering, the immediate after effects, on the other hand afocus on the utopias of the time, the future prospects, the ideas.
Implicitly the question is posed as to what time actually means? And what do these happenings,movements and thoughts, which took place around a hundred years ago, mean to us today? Whatis topical in them? What is it that demands us to form new opinions and simultaneously encouragenew contemporary artistic responses to the same? And how and where may the historical influencebe brought to bear in works of art? What intentions and pictorial politics stand behind the differingforms of addressing the past? Notes towards the beginning of the short century attempts torepresent the historical scars as they can be traced in the contemporary world, and to reflect uponour behaviour towards these.
What is the meaning which such reflections upon this war can have for us today, especially as thestill greater catastrophe of war was as yet still to follow, resulting predominantly from the first, andsubsequently leading in the time which followed to an ever great threat to civilisation, to the coldwar which threatened the very existence of mankind?
The exhibition is concerned with the past, in that it places our approach to it today in theforeground. Historical documents are prone to experiencing different interpretations dependentupon the social and temporal surroundings. The exponants in the exhibition show to what degreecontemporary art ist possible in the space between construction, the reference-itself and the after-image, thereby widening, correcting and even establishing new truths and contributing to findingnew or altered realities within history, or succeeding in formulating pictures of history not yet inconformity to society as a whole, as yet still acting inside the cultural memory.
Dr. Andrea Domesle
Frank Eckhardt
Translation: Christopher Haley Simpson